A spellbinding journey through time and cultures...

Annie Thornton, an English midwife and apprentice witch, falls through time along with her telepathic cat, Rosamund, to Roman Britain in 296 A.D. Her ancestral Aunt Meg, also a midwife and witch, requires her help to rescue the ailing young wife of the Commander of the Roman Fort, Eboracum (now York).

Both women are welcomed into the Commander’s home but, without explanation, Meg disappears. Upon hearing that soldiers are taking her aunt north to Hadrian’s Wall with orders to kill, Annie, now a fugitive, calls on friends from the past to rescue Meg.

Veda, a local Celt, concerned for Annie and Meg, follows Annie, relying on her Celtic farming family for support.

As each woman separately travels north on their hazardous journey, the relationship between the Celtic tribes and their Roman conquerors is revealed. Meanwhile, in Eboracum, disaster awaits their return.

Ralph Brade, geologist

“Best yet…”
Karen Sharp, accountant

The Pentology

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Maureen Thorpe is a gifted writer. She can spin a tale that keeps you spellbound (no pun intended.). It has been my pleasure to meet Ms. Thorpe when she was just starting her “Annie and Aunt Meg’s” tales. They just keep getting better. Not an easy task. It has been my pleasure to read “Tangle of Time”, “Sailing to Byzantium”, “Coventina’s Well”, and “All the World’s a Stage” at least 3 times. If you like a good tale with a touch of magic, look no further.
I also read a funny novella called “Murder in the Market”. It is based on her own experiences of a murder while selling her books in a Farmer’s Market. It is humorous and quirky. Definitely worth the read.

~ Debbie B.

Another wonderful read by this author! Again, I was whisked back to the Middle Ages, and again the research and delightful writing style immersed me in an earlier culture.
The characters – both the two witches who are the mainstays of the series and the people they are sent to help – are lively enough to come off the page. The magic element is well thought out and fun. Altogether a great story. Highly recommended!

~ Tony Berryman, author.

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