Off the top, do let us address the word ‘Viking’. A whole article could, and has been written many times, about the origin of the word Viking; that originally it was ‘vikingr, a noun meaning, in [...]
What was it that enabled Scandanavians to leave their countries and invade, trade and explore from the 9th to the 11 century? Shipbuilding The ship shown here is the Osberg Ship found in a [...]
I found this description of a cruck house on A cruck house is medieval, typical of the houses the serfs lived in in ‘Tangle of Time’. We’ll go back to stories [...]
A Happy and Healthy New Year to you all! May you achieve your dreams. I just read an article in the New York Times that asks, “When did everyone become a witch?” and Publishers’ [...]
Medieval Magic and Superstition Have you ever refused to walk under a ladder or spilled salt and thrown it over your left shoulder to ward off the devil? Or become upset upon breaking a [...]
M e d i e v a l R o m a n c e “I Do” In my historical novel, Tangle of Time, a very young woman marries her young man outside of the village church doors. Their village [...]
July (whoops!) August’s Medieval Musings Blog is about… cats. Cats. Our furry friends. Our pets who control us, love us, drive us crazy, eat our homework (mine did!) So, when [...]
Don’t get sick in the Middle Ages After doing some research on health in the Middle Ages, I have come to realise that this is a topic for a PhD Thesis. Not going to happen! So I’m [...]